Pride and Prejudice on A&E, produced by the BBC and shown on most PBS stations. One of my favorite adaptations. The locations, scenery, costuming, writing and acting are all A++.
There is so much more humor in this series than I remember in Jane Austen's novel. It has given me a new appreciation for Austen, as well as for fine actors.
Some of my standouts from the cast list:
Benjamin Whitrow turns Mr. Bennet into a funny, sarcastic, witty and warm father. I want to see more of him, especially his interactions with Mrs. Bennet. Their chemistry and timing is a delight.

Alison Steadman is so wonderful as the gregarious, silly and nervous Mrs. Bennet, that I don't know if I could ever picture her as another character or picture the character through a different actress. She plays the part perfectly.

The infinite attraction of Colin Firth. He smolders and still comes off as slightly off-balance and charming. For a character that isn't supposed to gain any sympathy in the beginning of the story, he charmed me quite well. The nuances he gives Mr. Darcy make him attractive at once. His Mr. Darcy often seems surprised by his own emotion. Colin Firth has the talent, charm, and charisma that Hugh Grant wants but lacks.

Jennifer Ehle pulls out a fine performance of Elizabeth. Her Elizabeth is gorgeous - even prettier than Jane - but considers herself bookish and second in line. Even thought she seems perfect, she is relatable and makes every viewer a friend and fan. I wish I could deliver witty lines the way she does. Jennifer Ehle is exactly what Elizabeth should be.

Crispin Bonham-Carter was so well cast in this role! He is perfect as the optimistic and cheery Bingley. He also pulls off Bingley's lack of "cajones" without making it seem a failure or fault. He is perfect for Jane, as in the novel. And he physically looks the part - sweet, cute, but never a danger.
And a side note to the casting - Lucy Scott is far too pretty to be Charlotte Lucas. I noticed that right off. She does a good job with the part, especially the scenes during her marriage with Mr. Collins in Kent. But, she is so pretty - too pretty for Charlotte.

Even though he is my least favorite character, I have to comment on the portrayal of Wickham. Adrian Lukis does a good job with him. He seems skeevy right away, and the viewer wonders why Elizabeth is so smitten with him. The looks he gives, so many side eyes and pauses, make him shifty from the start. Well done with this performance.

Joanna Davis does a brilliant job as the aunt, Mrs. Gardiner. If only we all had an aunt like her soft, kind and intelligent Mrs. Gardiner. And she is a very handsome woman - Austen lingo. No one could ever think ill of her. When she and Mr. Gardiner tour Pemberly with Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy, my first thought is always, "What a perfect day with the perfect company."

Honestly, I could go through the entire cast and pay compliments. It was wonderfully casted and acted. One character and actress, however, really stands out for me. Anna Chancellor as Miss Bingley. Perfect casting. Perfect casting. Had to say it twice. Plus, whenever she is on screen, you follow her every move and nuance, waiting for her next attack on Darcy, Elizabeth, whomever.
I am enthralled by both Anna Chancellor and Anna Chancellor's nose. The size, the angles, the originality. I have never in my life come across a nose so interesting. Every time I watch Pride and Prejudice I find myself following her nose from scene to scene. The first time I watched this series, I didn't think her nose was real. I thought it was some type of add-on to make her character stand out more.
Please don't get my wrong, I mean no ill will; I just can't help studying her nose. It is constantly changing as she moves her head and we find her nose at a new angle of observance. It the most peculiar and beguiling nose I have ever seen. From what I have read, she is of aristocratic lineage. Interesting...