Reading the comments on this account is almost like a meditation for me. I don't know who really writes the tweets. They may have a PR person in Dharamsala or even the US who takes care of such things. These tweets may be insights he has already shared in the past. The spirit of the Dalai Lama is evident and that is truly all that matters in the end.
There is something so spiritual about certain people. Now, don't laugh out loud, but Jimmy Cliff is a man full of spirit. I was right smack dab in front of the man at one of his concerts and he is a glowing human spirit torch. It is a pure, honest spirit. God has touched him and he glows. I guess you had to be there, and , no, I don't smoke anything, so bring your mind back to the meaning.
The Dalai Lama is a spiritual man that I have never met, seen, or even been in the same place with at the same time. Yet, there is something so fundamentally spiritual about him that it transcends space and maybe even time.
This is one of his recent tweets:
"I sometimes say that religion is something we can perhaps do without. What we cannot do without are the basic spiritual qualities."
Wow. That is so close to how I feel about the world and life in general. It is like he is looking down on me, a religious leper of sorts, and is telling me it is OK to be confused about secularized religion. The important thing is spirituality. Goodness. Love. Patience. I love this man - I truly do.
I own a copy of his book How to Expand Love. It is hard for me to read it in one sitting because it makes me very emotional. It is so simple yet powerful. It makes me want to be a better person. And then something happens and I lose focus and get sidetracked... So at least I know I can always look at @DalaiLama for a quick dose of calming.