Yes, I am Lost obsessed. Best show on television? In my opinion, yes, because I crave it like a good novel that has the last half missing. Only I can't borrow Lost from the library in order to read the rest of the story. I can't order a copy from Amazon and have it shipped overnight. I have to wait (patiently, patiently, I tell me self to be patient, patiently) on ABC's schedule to give me only 16 weeks (interrupted) of Lost and then make me wait 8 months for resolution!
Finally the magical day draws near.

What I love most about Lost are the characters. They are incredibly well written and well acted. (Exception noted for Nikki and Paulo.) I came late to Lost. I watched it in reruns the summer of 2002, after the first season. Wow, it hit me over the head and hauled me away to its cave - where I would have happily stayed through May 2010 if I could have. This show is extraordinary. All of the stars aligned when this one was born.

Against type, I was immediately drawn to Sawyer. There is something about the combination of Josh Holloway and the character Sawyer that makes my heart pound. He is extremely sexy and a conman, and just naughty and bad, but in the way women like it, of course. I wanted to hate him, but I couldn't - just like Kate in season one. And then they had him walk around wearing jeans so well and looking so hot and sweaty, and just yummy. OK, so I guess I get what I like about him superficially. The fact that Josh plays him so well just adds to the complexity that draws me in. He is more than what the surface shows and this is the sexiest part about him.

Another character I am drawn to is Hurley. He is like a big puppy dog that I just want to hug, feed, and hold. I want to tell him, "It's ok. everything will be alright. You are not crazy. You are loved." I think a lot of Hurley's appeal comes from Jorge Garcia. From his interviews and his blog, I gather that he is a pretty cool dude and sweet to boot. Probably everyone that meets him likes him. Just like Hurley. Hurley is a comic relief in Lost, but he has his inner demons, too. Sweet Hurley has so many hurdles to overcome. Most have to do with his self-confidence, the guilt over the numbers, and the fact that he thinks he is crazy. My favorite Hurley scene is from Season 5, "The Lie". He sits down with his mom and confesses everything about the crash and the island and those that died and were left behind. It brings tears to my eyes everytime I watch it. I just want to hug him so hard during that scene.

People on the internet, in the office, at school, etc, talk about the relationships of Lost. These "shippers" are obsessed with romantic relationships between Kate and Sawyer, Jack and Kate, Sawyer and Juliet, and Jack and Juliet. I would prefer Sawyer for myself, but I guess, if I had to choose, I would be on the Sawyer and Kate team. It only takes romance in a dirty bear cage to win me over. And I really don't like Juliet. No, I don't.

The best relationship on Lost, however, is the friendship between Sawyer and Hurley. It is one of those friendships that must have been pre-destined in order to happen. Outside of the island, these two men would never have formed a bond as strong as brothers. They love eachother, and it has been a growing and redemptive process for both of them. One of my favorite moments was when Hurley conned Sawyer into thinking eveyone hated him, thus prompting Sawyer to become a better group member and person, and guiding him on his way to becoming a leader.

I can barely hold my anticipation for tomorrow night's season premiere. Yes, I am a spoilerhound and I have already read the recap posted for LA X, episode 1 of the final season. This will not ruin it for me, though. It helps me relax enough to notice details in the story. Plus, I will rewatch each episode at least twice after it has aired. I am obsessed with this story and these characters.

I can hardly wait!!!!!! It's Christmas morning for Lost geeks worldwide!