Pumpkins have always meant joy to me. I remember being a little kid and going to the pumpkin patch to pick out my annual Halloween pumpkin. I even remember a photo that my family had of me and my father at a pumpkin patch; I was about two and was sitting on top of a giant pumpkin with a huge smile on my face. I am not sure what attracts me to this gourd/fruit/symbol, but I really love pumpkins. Even in my leanest years, I have always bought at least one pumpkin for myself. And, now that I live in a cold climate again, my pumpkins keep for a long time. Most of the pumpkins I get don't rot all winter long. What can I say, I really truly love pumkins and all of their symbolism. I also enjoy a good pumpkin pie, pumpkin cheesecake and pumpkin seeds. I am entirely pumpkin-whipped.
Be they orange,


or green,

all pumpkins are loved equally.

Mmmmmmm, pumkin pie...... I baked a pumpkin pie yesterday and my home still smells good today. Healthy, fun, and yummy all rolled into one.

It's the Great Pumpkin, and Snoopy, too! Snoopy and pumpkins, how could you go wrong?
And, of course, I couldn't omit every little girl's dream pupmkin, Cinderella's coach. I have a collection of these. I am such a pumpkin geek. Bibbity, bobbity, BOO!